Centering Prayer

This could be used perhaps before reading scripture, or before going into spoken prayer, or really, at any point in the day when you need to recenter or refocus.

Chose any word or short phrase that might be meaningful to you. For example: Peace. Be still. Mercy. Love… The idea here is not to think much about the word, but instead repeat it to yourself silently, and then return to it as an anchor when your mind drifts. The silence may be hard… And your mind will wonder. (We call this monkey brain - like a bunch of monkeys jumping around from tree to tree - thought to thought). When that happens, don’t beat yourself up, just return to your word…gently let go of all thoughts. 

To begin: close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths… First, become aware of gravity, of being held in place. Notice your feet on the ground, your breath in your chest and back. Become of aware of God’s presence in you and around you. Empty your mind of words and ideas, simply resting in the presence of God. 

In the silence that follows, gently repeat your word or phrase to yourself. (Don’t try to analyze the word or think deeply about it.) If you find your mind wandering or drifting, let the thought go and come back to your word, or to your own breath.  Allow yourself to simply rest in God’s healing / restoring presence for just a moment. Give yourself as much time as you like: one minute to 20 minutes… 

At the end of the silence, you can close in a spoken prayer, or just by simply adding “Amen!”

Practical Considerations

Time. Soul Feast suggests a minimum of 30 minutes. The long standing counsel of many of the saints, is this: Give God the best time of your day, not the dregs. It is hard to sit and listen when you are tired.

Place. Chose a place that allows you solitude and reasonable quiet. Close your door and turn off your phone. Give yourself permission to be unavailable to others in order to be available to God. Some people find lighting a Christ candle helpful.