(Published every Wed.)
Patty Rasor - Church Office - 904-287-4865 prasor@genevapresbyterian.org
Barry Griffin - Church Office - 904-287-4865 bgriffin@genevapresbyterian.org
Rev. Joe Albright - Church Office - 904-287-4865, Cell - 904-392-5618 albright@genevapresbyterian.org
January 1, 2025
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year!
This Sunday, I’ll be preaching on Esther 4:9-19 and reflecting on this young woman of remarkable courage. While you don’t need to have read ahead of time, I think if you take the time to do it, you’ll find this short biblical book to be a fascinating read. It has all the twists and turns, intrigue and suspense of any good novel.
Thinking about the year ahead…
Psalm 90 prays: “Teach me to count my days that I may gain a wise heart.”
What is it about counting our days that gives us a wise heart? Well let’s think about the other side of that for a moment. What if we went through life, living as though we have forever?
We’d put stuff off. We’d hold grudges. We’d get caught up in the trivial and lose sight of what truly gives meaning. In our younger years, often we are too “busy” to spend time with the ones we care about. We’re often too “busy” to spend time with friends. We miss precious moments with our children. Sometimes it's only years later we look back and wish we could get it back.
The writer Brian Koppelman makes the point that: “If you look at the great expanse of time, we’re not even a dot.…And if you walk through life with the knowledge that one day, everything we love will be here no more, for me, it makes me love harder… more fiercely. And it makes me want to be more expansive, more giving and more connected. It makes me aware of how fortunate I am to be present in this moment…”
As we sit on the edge of the new year, let us pray with the psalmist:
Teach us to count my days, that our perspective might be restored… Teach us to count my days, that we might be reminded again of those things that bring deeper richer meaning to life. Teach us to count my days that we might remember who we are - and who’s we are - in the grand scope of eternity. Teach us to count our days that we might be more truly grateful for the gift of the time we have left. Teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart. May it be so.
Grace and Peace,
Kid's Choir - Sundays following worship in the Sanctuary
Chancel Choir Rehearsals - Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in Sanctuary
Bell Rehearsal - Wednesdays at 9:30 am in Sanctuary
Prayer Meeting - Wednesdays at 1 pm in Pastor Joe's Study
Quilting Class - 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall
Mission Committee Meeting - Thursday, January 2 at 4 pm in Pastor's Study
Congregational Meeting - Sunday, January 5 during worship in order to elect new officers
Presbyterian Women - Wednesday, January 8 - 9:45 am Morning Circle in Knox Room and 3 pm Westminster Woods Bible Study in the Eastwood Clubhouse
Golden Eagles - Friday, January 10 at 1:30 pm in Knox Room
New Officers Training - Sunday, January 12 at 11:45 pm
Wednesday Night Activities Resume - January 15
Deacon Meeting - Thursday, December 16 at 4 pm in Pastor's Study
Evening Circle - Thursday, January 16 at 6:30 pm at the Home of Stephanie Toelle
Sanctuary Clean Up (see below for more info)
New Officers Installed during worship Sunday, January 26
Session Meeting - Monday, January 27 at 6 pm in Pastor's Study