If you value traditional and emerging styles, then you’ll love our blended services! We worship with sacred choral music, classical hymns, contemporary songs, heartfelt prayers, and thoughtful sermons. Our worship service breathes fresh relevance into the ancient scriptures. At Geneva, we have warm and relaxed fellowship, while offering our heart and soul to God.

When you walk in, you’ll probably receive a warm welcome from our team at the welcome table. You may hear the chancel choir warming up for the service. You might see a bustle of people, some relaxed, sipping on coffee and chatting, others busily preparing for the service. Some people “dress up” for church but many arrive dressed comfortably and casually.

In the sanctuary, you can expect a gathering of people of all ages. You’ll receive a bulletin that guides you through the service – or you can follow along on the screens. Children are invited up for a children’s message and then can either attend children’s church in the fellowship hall or stay with their families. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate communion. Our table is open to all! At the end of the service, you’ll be sent out with a blessing encouraged to be a blessing in the world.


What do I wear?

The main thing to remember is to be comfortable. You will find people wearing anything from jeans and pants to dresses and suits. One lady even wears a hat, but that’s because she sits in front of a vent and finds it chilly!

What are your services like?

We have one service at 10:30 AM. It is usually an hour long, designed to help you experience the presence of the living God. Most of our services follow the traditional Presbyterian service, with hymns and songs, readings, prayers, anthems and a good thought-provoking sermon. The feel is casual, but sincere. The music from our chancel choir, the bell choir, guest soloists, and instrumentalists is a blend of traditional and emerging styles.

Where do my kids go?

We have various vibrant learning activities for children. During worship, we have a “Message For Young Disciples,” after which they are invited to Children’s Church in the fellowship hall or stay with their families for the remainder of the service.

What about nursery care?

We provide nursery care for all Sunday morning activities. Just ask for the nursery when you walk in and are met by one of our hospitable greeters.


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