Imaging Intercession Meditation

(Based on one offered by Marjory Thompson in Soul Feast)

To begin, close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths…

First, become aware of gravity, of being held in place… Notice your feet on the ground… your breath in your chest and back. 

The Hebrew word for Spirit also means breath… In the book of Romans, Paul says that God’s Spirit prays within us… and that the Spirit intercedes for us, with sighs too deep for words… God’s Spirit touching our spirit…

Become aware of God’s presence in you and around you… imagining this presence as a radiant light and warmth… Allow this light to fill your consciousness…

When we are in God’s presence, we are not alone… We are there with all God’s children held in the divine embrace…. Chose one of those people - chose someone  you know who is in need of God’s healing - whether that is healing of body, mind or heart… Picture this person in your mind’s eye…

Lift this person now into God’s light… Visualize divine love filling the person… breaking through any defenses they might have… Use any image that seems appropriate: Dark becoming light… ice melting… confusion ordered…

See the person in a state of wholeness in God’s light, newly created, whole and beautiful… 

Ask God that this healing be fully realized according to God’s design for this person…

Now, give thanks to God for whatever gift of healing might be given… and release the person into God’s care…

And finally, sit for just a moment, in God’s healing presence yourself… 

Practical Considerations

Time. Soul Feast suggests a minimum of 30 minutes. The long standing counsel of many of the saints, is this: Give God the best time of your day, not the dregs. It is hard to sit and listen when you are tired.

Place. Chose a place that allows you solitude and reasonable quiet. Close your door and turn off your phone. Give yourself permission to be unavailable to others in order to be available to God. Some people find lighting a Christ candle helpful.