Spiritual Formation for Adults
Looking for a group? At Geneva, we know that the Christian faith is not a solo activity. If you are ready for friendship, learning, and spiritual growth, take a step and join a group. If the times listed below don’t work for you, contact the church office and we will work to help you get connected.
Everyone in the church is invited to participate and has access to the weekly videos in the following manner:
You can join either in person or by Zoom. We meet after Wednesday night dinners (except during summer months) in the Knox Room in our Fellowship Hall. Our groups are typically open and you can simply show up, or to join by Zoom. For more information about the study or on how to connect via zoom, email Rick Elbracht raelbracht@yahoo.com or call the church office: (904) 287-4865
10:00 am HELPING HANDS in the Fellowship Hall. We sew quilts and create many items for VBS, WIC, Betty Griffin Center, Hospice, and Westminster Woods. Please contact Bonnie McCarty with any questions 2bmccarty@comcast.net or 545-9009.
Monthly Gatherings
Men's Group
Men’s Group – This group of men meet regularly the 4th Sunday of the month at a local restaurant. Discussion is around a movie or book. (Check the Weekly Update or contact Ken Ettinger) for more information.
Ken Ettinger email: kjebike@gmail.com
Presbyterian Women's Circles
Presbyterian Women’s Circles: Click here.
Amy Finnigan: afinnigan921@gmail.com
A monthly social gathering in a member’s house. Bring an appetizer to share, drinks are provided.
Cliff Calvert: chcalvert70@comcast.net