Welcome to Geneva Presbyterian Church of St. Johns, Florida! I’m Joe Albright, the pastor of our church. Thank you so much for your interest in our faith community.

We understand ourselves to be a family; people of all ages and backgrounds, seeking to follow Jesus together through the ups and downs of the journey of life.

We also believe that God has called us into this family for a purpose; to be a blessing to our community and world. As we share our lives together, we become part of a movement, a compelling force for God’s love that is so much bigger than our individual lives. We care passionately about people, because we believe God cares passionately about people. And we believe that God cares passionately about you.

Wherever you are in your journey of faith – my prayer is that you would know the depths of God’s love for you – at the very core of who you are. And may God surround you with a family of faith who will encourage you, challenge you and walk with you.

If you don’t currently have a family of faith, we invite you to be a part of ours. Come worship with us. Come experience God’s grace with us. And may the fullness of God’s peace be with you.



We are a welcoming community of all ages who celebrate Christ’s love through vibrant worship and active service.


We believe relationships are key to spiritual growth and that faith is best lived out in community, where we worship, serve, study, have fellowship, and grow together. We also like to play, have fun and enjoy God’s creation together.

At Geneva you will find…

  • A warm and welcoming and inclusive family of faith.

  • Relatable people with whom to connect along your journey.

  • A rich theological tradition that encourages questions and critical thinking.

  • Opportunities to study the Bible, ancient spiritual paths and relevant contemporary topics in relation to faith.

  • Fellowship and play for all ages.


As a community, we celebrate the love of God through joyous and reverent worship. It allows us to pause from the frantic pace of life today, to sit in the presence of Holy Mystery and to experience moments of awe and wonder. Worship helps reset our inner compass, and indeed puts life into perspective.

At Geneva you will find:

  • Creative, Spirit-filled worship that engages the heart, soul and mind.

  • Singles, Parents, Children and Grandparents worshiping together.

  • Children and Youth leading worship.

  • A variety of music styles.

  • The best traditions that have been handed down to us across the ages;

  • Everything from the modern, to the contemplative, to the playful.


We have a passionate heart for the least, the last and the lost. People are important to God and therefore to us.  Their hurts, needs, and brokenness are opportunities for grace, not barriers.  We have also found that in serving, in giving sacrificially, and in listening to the needs of the world, we grow spiritually. Our relationships with God and others deepen.

At Geneva you will find…

  • People with generous spirits and servant hearts.

  • Spiritual richness and meaning that comes through acts of service.

  • Opportunities to make an impact in our community, the world around us and the world within us, by giving and serving together.

  • What do Presbyterians believe?

    In short, we believe God is the ultimate authority throughout the universe. Our knowledge of God and God's purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ. Our salvation (justification) is God's generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments or efforts. We all do have a role to play in sharing in God’s healing redeeming work in Christ (priesthood of all believers).

    Geneva Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with worldwide headquarters located in Louisville, Kentucky. We are a member of staugpres.org.

    For more information about the Presbyterian Church:



  • Our Denomination: The Presbyterian Church (USA)

    Geneva is an active participant in the Presbyterian Church (USA).